Un amante di dolce at Brunetti

Renee Lenzarini:

“When I travelled to Melbourne a year ago with my sister, it was her first time in Australia’s most liveable city and we’d just flown in on the red eye.  As most of Melbourne was just starting to wake up, and our hotel check-in wasn’t for another couple of hours, I decided that it would be the perfect time to introduce her to breakfast at the iconic Brunetti.

We walked down Lygon street in the heart of Carlton and it instantly felt as if we were transported to Italy as soon as we stepped inside. The smooth scent of freshly brewed coffee, the clinking of coffee cups, the stylish baristas and of course le paste … the pastries!!  You just can’t beat the classic Italian breakfast of a cappuccino and a cornetto classico.  But the vast selection of cakes –  a treat for your eyes as well as your taste-buds – was just too hard to resist … and so we had the brioche with a vanilla custard as well ;).

I’m sure you can imagine my sweet tooth’s surprise earlier this month when visiting my sister (who ironically now lives in Melbourne), with the discovery of a Brunetti now open at the newly renovated Melbourne Airport T4.  Not only can you indulge in the famous pasticceria’s delights as soon as you walk off the tarmac but also take them with you for the trip home.”


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